Flavorwood Grilling Smoke Can - Mesquite


Smokey Mesquite Flavor with no Fuss

Mesquite flavored natural wood chips are recommended especially for steak and other beef, chicken, and turkey. Give your meats, poultry, fish and vegetables a unique smokey taste with no mess or fuss. Flavorwood cans produce a natural wood smoke and flavor when heated in grills and smokers. Simply peel off the seal and place in your grill to put flavor into your meal.

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 Camerons Flavorwood Smoke Cans

Flavorwood™ - The smart, modern way to produce natural wood smoke in charcoal, gas or electric grills. Simply remove the label from a Flavorwood can, place the can on top of charcoal or, in gas or electric grills, on top of lava rocks or near the heat source, and in minutes you have a dense output of natural, flavorful smoke for your barbecuing enjoyment. It is as easy as that - no muss, no fuss. Typically, a single can of Flavorwood smokes several meals.

 Try these other great flavors






Camerons Flavorwood Smoke Cans

  • Convenient - No more soaking chips and chunks in water for hours before you barbeque. Simply peel off the labels and you are ready to grill!
  • Easy to store - No more lifting heavy, dirty bags. No need to find space to store a large bag
  • Clean - No ashy residue on your food or in your grill
  • Efficient - Compressed wood pellets last longer and produce denser, more concentrated smoke than wood chips, chunks, or blended charcoal.
  • Economical - Add natual flavor to food for pennies per serving.
  • Reusable - No wasted product - you stop the smoke when you're done cooking. Simply remove the can from the heat and it will stop smoking in a few minutes.
  • Versatile - Equally effective in charcoal, gas, and electric grills and smokers.
  • Great for traveling - The small, light-weight can will give you aproximately an hour of smoke and can fit into any available space when going on camping trips or to tail gate parties.

Camerons Flavorwood Smoke Cans

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  • Model: KN-CPFWME
  • Shipping Weight: 0.5lbs
  • 14 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Camerons Products

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